Tech Talk

Di-isocyanates: everything you need to know about the new regulations

Di-isocyanates can have a major negative impact on the health of the user. That is why the European Commission has published the restriction under REACH for working with products containing more than 0.1% free di-isocyanate monomers.

On 3 August 2020, the European Commission strengthened the restrictions under REACH to limit the use of Polyurethane coatings with more than 0.1% free di-isocyanates. The restriction means that by 24 February 2022, coating producers must indicate on their labelling that the product contains more than 0.1% di-isocyanates.

From 24 August 2023, the new Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 will be put into effect. The regulations require companies to register with the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) and require professional and industrial workers (depending on their duties and potential exposure) to successfully complete training on the safe use of di-isocyanates every 5 years. This training covers, among other things, the risks and associated risk management and safety measures.

• More details about the training opportunities can be found here

Unica Special Coatings has developed a number of products under the group name Uni-Coat 4000 Si which are (di)Isocyanate and solvent free, so the new restrictions under REACH do not apply to these products!

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